Dr.Michael C. Zimmer Dr.Amy M. Bartels
Welcome to Dorsett Chiropractic
11705 Dorsett Road, suite 101, Maryland Heights, MO. 63043
Welcome. We are a Chiropractic office in Maryland Heights, Missouri. We invite and encourage you to surf our site, and discover what it is we do that helps people feel so good! Dorsett Chiropractic has been helping people since 1970, and we want to be your Chiropractic Health Providers!
Better yet, if you are looking for a Chiropractor, if you have had an Auto Accident or Injury, need a Physical Exam for school or sports, or need a DOT Exam (Department of Transportation), we hope that you will give us a call or stop by our office to see if our Chiropractic and nutrition services can benefit you. It is our mission to help every patient that comes through our doors to obtain and maintain a healthy and active lifestyle.
⚫ Most Insurances Accepted, we file your claims for you, non-insurance rates also available
⚫ Convenient Hours, Same-Day appointments often available
⚫ No Referral Required
Relief Care, Maintenance, Prevention, Wellness Care
If you are in pain, we want to help! Back Pain, Neck Pain, Headaches, Migraine, Low Back Pain, Sciatica, Muscle and Nerve pain, or need care for an Auto Accident or Injury, We are committed to helping patients return to a pain-free life. Contact us with any questions. (314)291-3666
Chiropractic care, Back Pain, Sciatica, Nerve Pain, Muscle Pain, Auto Accident or Injury
Neck Pain, Headaches, Migraine
We use therapeutic treatments, adjustments, massage, and a variety of other non-invasive techniques to help get you out of pain.
School & Sports Physicals
DOT Exam (Department of Transportation Exam)
Please call us to schedule your appointment: (314)291-3666
What is Chiropractic?
Chiropractic is a discipline of the healing arts; a science concerned with the Cause, Diagnosis, Treatment, and Prevention of interference with nerve transmission and expression, pain syndromes and their effects as they relate to the movement and equilibrium (balance)of the locomotor (structural) system, especially the spine and pelvis.
Most new patients consult our office because they have an ache or a pain. Their goal? Relief. That is our first objective.
A thorough examination reveals areas of spinal dysfunction. Then, we offer a care plan designed to give you the best results in the shortest amount of time.
Visits are frequent during this period of intensive care. Each visit builds on the one before, so keep your appointments to get the best results.
When you're feeling better, you'll have a decision to make. Will you continue with the care necessary to fully heal soft tissues? Or abandon the investment that you've made so far?
When you continue your care, visits are less frequent, and progress will be less dramatic. If you end your care before fully healing muscles and soft tissues, you can invite a relapse. Whatever your choice, we're here to serve and help support your decision.
Your health effects everything you do and everyone you know. With so many people depending on you, it makes sense to make time for your health.
A program of Chiropractic checkups can help you to be the caring parent, the loving spouse, the understanding friend, or the dependable employee.
Your health is vital. You are worth it!